Molly Lee and Gregory A. Reinhardt Foreword by Andrew Tooyak Jr. (2003) Eskimo Architecture: Dwelling And Structure In The Early Historic Period
In this book the authors have collected pictures of their ancestors and other families throughout Alaska and in the Northern Hemisphere in the early historic period. Most of the pictures inform the reader of how the structure of their houses were made and what they needed to provide the family in order to live successfully. Each chapter describes the living conditions and space required in different regions of the world. The authors inform the reader about subsistent lifestyles, their settlements, mobility, and Energy Requirements. Looking through this book you can note that there are cultural differences based on their living arrangements such as who lived with who, great hunters, children becoming adults, and ceremonial gatherings.
This is a very interesting book to read if you are interested in learning about houses in Alaska. It is good to learn how people lived in different regions of Alaska especially if you are from Alaska and know nothing about the Native people who lived in the 18th century and early 19th century. I think that it is most interesting to learn that they didnt need much to build their houses all they needed was things that were around them at the time and dense snow. Their houses were very insulated and it seemed as if they can live in any temperature or climate.